1. Thermometer readings should be regarded as for reference only. Do not attempt self-diagnostics or self-treatment using the temperature readings. Please seek professional medical advice when necessary.
2. It is advised that an adult should take the measurement for infants and children who cannot use the ear thermometer themselves.
3. If there is a temperature difference between the thermometer just taken out of its storage and the ambient environment around the patient, please allow 30 minutes for the thermometer to adjust to the ambient environment's temperature before use.
4. The probe cover is for one-time use and should be replaced after each use to ensure measurement accuracy and avoid cross infection.
5. Before taking a measurement, make sure that the probe is not covered with small foreign objects (such as earwax, dander, droplets, dust, etc.). After taking the measurement, please put the protective cap back on the probe to protect it from dirt or damage.
6. Some people (especially younger children) may have more earwax in their ear canals than others. To get good accuracy, please consider cleaning out any excess earwax before taking measurements.
7. Right after swimming, taking a bath, or entering a warm room from the cold outside, the people will have ear canals exhibiting lower than normal temperatures to allow for accurate measurements. Please wait for 30 minutes before taking a measurement.
8. Side sleepers, headphone users, hearing aid users, and people with long hair covering their ears may have warmer than normal ear canals. Please wait for 30 minutes before taking a measurement.
9. Do not measure body temperature immediately after taking medicine that raises the body temperature. Temperature readings will be elevated until the effect of the medicine wears out.
10. Do not eat, drink, or exercise before or during measurement. A temperature reading taken with the body in a state of equilibrium tends to be more accurate and thus more useful as a reference. Please wait for 30 minutes before take measurement.
11. Keep quiet and remain still during measurement. Follow the instructions in the user's manual to ensure accuracy.
12. The physiological curvatures of ear canals may vary from person to person. When taking measurement, please aim the probe at the eardrum as much as possible to achieve better results.
13. The left and right ears of a patient may give different temperature readings. When monitoring the change in body temperature, please continue measuring from the same ear.
14. The body temperature fluctuates over time, and the body temperature collected in each part of the body will also be different. When observing changes in body temperature. It is recommended that you measure and observe at the same part multiple times.
15. Different types and brands of temperature measurement products may not make good comparison. When observing body temperature, it is recommended that you use the same temperature measurement product for multiple observations in order to better gauge the temperature changes.
16. Please use the probe cover (Models: ET20 and ET40) that is compatible with this product. Unspecified probe covers will result in inaccurate measurements.
17. Keep parts such as protective cap and disposable probe cover away from children to safeguard against potential choking hazardst.
18. Do not use this device if experiencing ear diseases such as external otitis and otitis media. Using the device may worsen such conditions.
19. Do not perform measurements while in direct sunlight or under an outlet/vent of an HVAC as this may affect temperature readings.