Product Usage Questions and Answers
Q: What is the iHealth TENS Uint?
A: The iHealth Soothe Dual-Channel TENS Unit is a Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) unit, which stimulates nerves through the skin. TENS is an effective non-pharmacological method for treating various types of pain caused by different reasons. It is intended to provide temporary relief from muscle soreness caused by exercise, household tasks, or work activities. It is also effective in alleviating chronic pain, intractable pain, and pain associated with arthritis.
Q: When should I use an iHealth TENS unit?
A: Use the device as soon as you experience pain. It can effectively alleviate chronic pain, stubborn pain, and pain associated with arthritis.
Q:How often can I use my iHealth TENS unit?
A: The default treatment time for the iHealth TENS therapy device is 15 minutes. You can adjust the duration of a single treatment, but it is recommended not to exceed 30 minutes for the same area in a single session.
Q: Where can I use my iHealth TENS unit?
A: The iHealth TENS can be used on multiple body parts, including: back, waist, shoulders, abdomen, upper arms, forearms, elbows, buttocks, thighs, knees, calves, ankles, and feet. For more information, please refer to the manual.
Q: Can I use an iHealth TENS unit as part of my regular pain regimen?
A: Yes, TENS therapy is a good adjunct to regular pain relief therapies (such as heat therapy, cold therapy, wrapping, physiotherapy, and medication). If you have any health concerns, please consult your doctor.
Q: Can I share my iHealth TENS unit with others in the family?
A: The iHealth TENS unit can be shared with family members, but do not share electrode pads to prevent infection and cross-contamination. If family members need to use it, ensure each has their own set of electrode pads.
Q: What are the differences between the modes?
A: The modes on the iHealth TENS use different massage techniques to meet the needs of various body pains. There are 6 modes, each with 4 variations, totaling 24 different modes. For detailed mode introductions, please read the manual.
Q: Is it acceptable to put the pads on my chest anywhere?
A: Avoid placing the electrode pads near to the heart, or on both sides of the thorax simultaneously (lateral or front and back), or across your chest (especially on the two large pectoral muscles). Otherwise, it can increase the risk of ventricular fibrillation and may induce cardiac arrest.
Q: How far apart should you place the Electrode Pads?
A: On clean, dry, healthy skin, it is recommended to place the two electrode pads more than 1 inch apart.
Note: The two electrode pads must never touch or overlap.
Q: How long do the Electrode Pads last?
A: It is recommended not to exceed 20 uses. If the electrode pads become damaged during use, replace them immediately.
Q: Are the Electrode Pads available in different sizes?
A: Yes, we provide two standard sizes of electrode pads: 50mm×50mm(Square Electrode Pads) and 50mm×100mm(Rectangle Electrode Pads).
Q: When should I purchase/use the Rectangle Electrode Pads?
A: If the treatment area is large, you can choose the Rectangle Electrode Pads. Additionally, Rectangle Electrode Pads are recommended for use on the lower back, legs, thighs, and buttocks of normal males or females.
Q: How long does the battery life of the iHealth TENS last?
A: With the use of alkaline batteries purchased from regular channels, under the condition of 2 treatments per day, each lasting 15 minutes, the battery life is approximately 6 months.
Q: Who is not suitable for using the iHealth TENS product?
A: Patients with implanted electronic devices such as pacemakers, life-sustaining medical devices (e.g., artificial hearts or lungs), or electrocardiographs should not use this device.
Do not let children or individuals who cannot express their thoughts use the TENS unit.
Q: Can I use accessories from other manufacturers (electrode wires, electrode pads, etc.) with the iHealth TENS?
A: Please do not use any accessories (electrode pads or wires) from manufacturers other than the iHealth device manufacturer. Doing so may cause personal injury, discomfort, or device damage.
Q: Why can't the iHealth TENS turn on after changing the batteries?
A: Check if the battery cover is installed and properly fitted. The iHealth TENS needs the battery cover to be in place to power on after batteries are inserted.
Q: How do I correctly clean the electrode pads?
A: When the surface of the electrode pad becomes dirty or difficult to adhere to, clean the electrode pad.First, remove the electrode cord from the electrode pads. Then, gently clean the pad with your fingertips under slow running cold water for a few seconds and let it air dry naturally.
Note: Do not use sponges/fuzzy cloths/paper towels/sharp objects to wipe, nor use detergents, chemicals, or soap.